Gyldensteen Strand

– English

Vejlerne is Denmark’s largest scientific reserve, measuring approximately 5,600 hectares and home to Scandinavia’s largest reed bed and Denmark’s largest grazing meadows.

Welcome to Gyldensteen Strand
Gyldensteen Strand is a large nature area bordering on the Kattegat sea, rich in wildlife and plant species, which provides the area’s many visitors with fine opportunities for nature experiences. In 2011, Aage V. Jensen Naturfond acquired the dammed Gyldensteen Strand and the nature area Reservatet, as well as the former islands of Lindholm and Langø. The aim was restoring of marine and freshwater habitats and wildlife. These efforts will also provide knowledge for future projects relating to rising sea levels.

Recreation of nature
The dikes between Langø, Lindholm and Store Stegø have been removed, allowing the sea to re-enter the large area south of Lindholm, making it a shallow fiord area with tidal flats, surrounded by narrow marshes and reed beds – a coastal lagoon. The work was completed in March 2014. From the main road and the dike to Langø, Engsøen is clearly visible to the east. A shallow, freshwater lake and reed bed area has been established here. Reservatet at Ore Strand will be maintained as a mosaic of grazed meadows, marshes and lakes.
To give nature the best possible conditions, the saline coastal lagoon and the freshwater Engsø were established with varying seabed conditions, free flowing water, large rocks and plenty of islets for birds. At Langø, several small lakes have been established in the meadows.

Nature makes a comeback
Nature is regenerating and adapting to the new conditions. The coastal lagoon is a new and important habitat for marine biodiversity, with a wealth of fish fry and aquatic creatures. Engsøen, the small lakes and the new meadows are teeming with new plant life and insects. The restoration has resulted in a great enrichment of birdlife. The new wetlands attract breeding waders, ducks, geese, gulls and terns. The large number of resting waterfowl year-round attracts many birds of prey, including Peregrine Falcons, White-tailed Eagles and Hen Harriers. In a short period of time, Gyldensteen Strand has become one of Funen’s best bird areas. Nature’s development is carefully monitored by researchers and birdwatchers.

Activities and experiences in nature
Nature can be enjoyed close-up from the many newly-built roads, car parks, paths and vantage points in the area. They have been established to offer the best nature experiences without disturbing nature and wildlife. A Nature Centre with a classroom has been established centrally in Eriksholm. It serves as center for information about the area and its development, as well as daily instruction of children and young people. Its many facilities will make it a natural starting point for trips and stays. Dogs are welcome, but must always be kept on a leash! Walk to the converted pump station to see Kystlagunen or walk through Langø Plantage to the refurbished Langø Mill, which offers a unique view from the top. Here, the landscape shows a different aspect.

Gyldensteen Strand through the ages
Until the mid-1800s Gyldensteen fiord, east of Bogense, was part of northern Funen’s tidal flats. At that time, four small moraine islands stretched along the lagoon-like fiord in a row: Lille Stegø, Store Stegø, Lindholm and Langø. Losing the war and the southernmost parts of Jutland to Germany in 1864, induced a need for more farm land and led to many Danish fiords disappearing as a result of draining and damming.
Up until the 1870s, dams were built between the islands at Gyldensteen and the fiord was drained using channels and two pumping windmills. Initially, this created meadows that were used for grazing and harvesting hay. The establishment of electrical pumping stations in the 1960s made it possible to reclaim the land, and cultivation continued up until the Foundation acquired the area. Reservatet to the east, was used as a hunting ground.

A Foundation for Denmark’s nature
Aage V. Jensen Naturfond is dedicated to supporting nature conservation and development and wildlife protection. The foundation provides support to many nature projects in Denmark, particularly those involving dissemination of knowledge, and has acquired several Denmark’s most important natural areas.

The Foundation aims to give everyone in
Denmark the opportunity to experience a rich and varied nature
– today and in the future.

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